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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How Great is Our God: with Louie Giglio (full video)

Friday, November 6, 2015


Death, an inevitable occurrence everyone will have to face one day.

A loved one just passed away and family members are now faced with having to cope with the deceased's absence.

What really happens thereafter ? Whats life like after death ?

This is the million dollar question the world grapples with and there are many theories available, depending on which religious view one looks at it with.

My take on all these is this.

Our physical life on earth is family orientated. Likewise the spiriual realm. We all have one heavenly father to whose family we belong, regardless of ones religious beliefs.

Jesus's greatest missions was to reveal our father's nature to us. For centuries and even today, many people believe god to be dualistic in nature... he is good if you are good and bad if you aren't ... an accusing finger on one hand and a thunderbolt in the other ?

God is, on the contrary unchanging in nature. He is love. He is light in whose presence there isn't any trace of darkness.

Examine Jesus closely and you will be awestruck knowing how lovely, compassionate and forgiving he is. You may want to read this in the New Testament section of the Bible.God took human form to experience our ups and downs and pain and anxiety and sufferings. He fully understands us. He is with us through our journey in life

The human race once rejected this God, and killed Him at a cross in Calvary some 2000 years ago. His accusers demanded for such sacrifice or penalty and God willingly consented with forgiveness

His spirit now is joined with ours and we live our lives with Him. Nothing separates that.

Heaven is where God is ... a NOW experience with Him. The journey is continuous from now into the hereafter. Experiencing Jesus brings an innerchange to take place deep within you which  spills over and gives ability to love and respect our fellow human beings. Knowing God is one with us, gives one great boldness and calm assurance to face up to death.

You are important and you count !!

Yes the story is about you ... God's love pursuit of you.

Be of good courage,

We'll talk more soon.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dubai: Top 10 Things To Do In Dubai

The Middle East

The Middle East is poised to be one of the best places in the world to further your carreer .. no it isn't dessertland as most would assume. Its vibrant and modern on the contrary !

I myself, have in the past, been working in Saudi Arabia for 5 years.

You need to be a little adventurous for this. The work enviorment is really pleasant, with nice facilities ... then ofcourse the money is good also. Good opportunity for you to save up.

I'd be getting involved in recruitment quite soon. Please stay tuned, especially you young and energetic ones. Europe is just 8 hours from there !!

See ya soon